Friday, November 2, 2012

Weekend Football Picks and Football Only

So I know I said I would try and do some more writing last night, but I also stated that I was pretty tired as well.  After watching my pitiful KC Chiefs donk another game away in the 4th quarter, I decided that I had had enough.  I watched a little tv and tried to get through a few programs on the dvr then called it a night. Today wasn't much different. up, shower, dress, kids, eat, work, . . . . .same old, same old.  At least tonight I get to put away Halloween decorations. Yay! Yippee! Hooray!! I know, one cannot quite contain their excitement at the thought of taking down and putting back away, 5 enormous boxes of decorations.  On the bright side, the wife is completely in charge of all Christmas decorating except the outside of the house, the yard, the train sets: ok, she puts up the tree. I still get the rest.  Hopefully that Christmas spirit will sneak up and bite me in the ass soon.  If I stay this cranky through Thanksgiving, I'm not sure if anyone will want to be around me by the time Christmas gets here. I really do like Christmas, and I thoroughly enjoy Thanksgiving, but I'm not a kid any more.  No more week long vacations from school.  As an adult, and especially one in retail, it's just an extra vacation day off, but then it's right back to the grind the day after. It builds and builds and builds, then bang, holiday over, back to work. I know it's not a resolution, but just like every other person who spends to much time on Facebook each day, I'm trying to post something I'm thankful for each day up until Thanksgiving. I am currently at 1. Long way to go. Enough about me though, let's get to some football picks.


KSU-10: the line keeps moving because I'm not sure the book has figured out how to get people to bet on OSU yet.  I know it's in Stillwater, and I know that this could be "the game" that fouls up the Cats' chances, but you ride a winner until he don't win no more. Go Cats.

Miami of Ohio+3: RTF. Miami of Ohio isnt great, but Buffalo is 1-7 and stinks. Not sure why the line is what it is, but I am going all road this week, and this one sticks out.

Oregon-8: See KSU. Covering machine who should destroy USC.  Remember when they said AZ would keep it close? That lasted 54 minutes of the first quarter.  This will not be a repeat of last year's game.

Others to watch but no promises: Florida (should bounce back nicely), Standford (CU is horrid), WVA (TCU is 1-3 since Patschell went out), Ark. St., San Jose State, UL Monroe (more small teams that cover)


Detroit-3.5: If Jacksonville were playing the Chiefs they would have a chance.  They are not. down 1 wide out and Detroit is picking up steam.

Green Bay-10: This just in, the wheels have fallen off in Arizona.  I thought my AZ under season wins of 6 was in trouble: nope, I still think I'm good. Plus, it's in Green Bay and I need A-Rodgers to score me some fantasy points.

Denver-3.5: I pains me to say it but Denver, and that hall of fame qb they have playing for them, are good.  real good. Cincy having a down year after last year's surprise won't keep up.

So there you have it.  It's all for fun, but go ahead and put the kids college fund on these picks. They're all winners. . .

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