Thursday, November 1, 2012

To Tired To Post

Well, with Halloween last night, a Halloween party last Friday and a "Halloween" wedding last Saturday, it's already Thursday and heading into the next week: I'm still just so tired.  Am I old? Getting older? Can't handle myself in public places anymore?  I'm not sure what it is, but I am beat. Working until 7 tonight, then I'll head home, scarf down some dinner, put the kids to bed, get myself in some kind of order, maybe a bit of tv or a book, or some internet "surfing" (that's code for porn) and then it's midnight again.  You would think that whenever the Mayans or Aztec's or whoever came up with the calendar when they did, they could have come up with a few more hours in it. Right?

Look, I'll post some really good football picks tomorrow, and continuing on my trend, I've been pretty good lately.  And, if I get some "free" time tonight, maybe I'll try posting something Witty or whimsical instead of this dribble I'm writing now.  I just needed to get something down on paper here. Get some emotion out there and keep this thing we call life chugging down the road. Until next time, catch some Zzz's for me.

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