Wednesday, October 10, 2012

5th Floor Views of Justice

So the last time I was at the county courthouse it was to serve on a jury.  That was about 10 years ago. Now I'm back again, and not much has changed. Let me first say that I'm glad I'm here.  My wallet was stolen after my car was broken into last May, and after talking to a detective who was assigned my case, and after shutting my credit Nd all my cards down, I was pretty sure nothing was going to happen. My driver's license, social security card, birth certificate, and everything else of real importance was all replaced. Even so, there's that feeling in the pit of your stomach that stays with you.  That feeling that you have been violated, that someone else has a piece of you that you'll never be able to get back.

Anyway, I get a call a month later from a different detective telling me they arrested a guy who had some of my stuff on him. He wanted to know if I knew the person or had given this information to the person. Of course I said no, and said nothing would probably come out of it but he would let me know if it did. I gave him the original case number from the break in and told him to let me know if there was anything else he needed to give me a call. A month or so after that, in August, I get a call from a different detective, this time out of Maize, who said they had busted a guy for writing checks in my name. I give him the first case number and detective and the second detectives information. He said he would be in touch, and then that's the last I had heard of anything.

Another month of so passes and I start getting subpoena's to appear in court for something I assume is related to my car break in. After calling in several times only to have the case date being pushed back, I was informed yesterday that today would be the day. I show up on time, early in fact, and arrive at the doorstep of the courthouse. Hello Walmart law. The line to get into the courthouse looks like I'm arriving at McCarann airport in Vegas to come home to Wichita. It's at least 60 people deep and it's a who's who of Wichita's finest: like they combined a Walmart with the state fair and added a splash of the downtown club scene from a Saturday night. It was a who's who. We should all be used to lines and searches but it's the same ol, same ol. Knives, arguments, refusing to take off belts or shoes. For Pete's sake, act like you've been there before.

I get through the line, get up to my area, and check in. I thought I would be the only one involved, but besides our break for lunch, I've been in the same room on the 5th floor for the last 8 hours. The "criminal masterminds" who stole my stuff, also stole the identities and information from several other people. Between all of the breaks, and the testimony of the police officers involved in at least 5 different incidents, we haven't even gotten to any of us who's identities were even stolen; and this is just the prelim's. Sounds like at least one of the guys has had enough and is going to take a deal, so that's a different process that has to be done before we can get back to our cases. I've know lot's of lawyers and I've known a lot of them who hated what they did, but this assistant d.a. Seems to like his job. He's apologized several times for keeping us here all day [he's said this is the longest prelim he's ever had], but man, we are still here. . . 8 hours and counting, and I have yet to step into the courtroom. I'll keep you updated on the outcome, but this guys done his duty, and identity theft be damned, I'm ready to go.

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