Thursday, October 25, 2012

More Halloween

I like Halloween and I like televisions.  I'm also a sucker for combining the two: the Halloween episodes from some of my favorite television shows.
First Up: The Neighbor's.  I think I've said it before, but I don't think this show will make it through the new year, but I think if people give it a chance, it may grow on them.  Aliens living in the United States, all together in a single gated community, befriending a family who just moved from New Jersey. What's not to like.
Nerd Alert!: It probably comes as no surprise to most people that I love The Big Bang Theory. Maybe it's the comic book, Star Wars, Star Trek, science aspect of it, or maybe it's that it's well written, acted and still topical. Maybe it's all of it, but it's a good show.
Parks and Rec: This show keeps getting better every year.
Ok, now that I have gotten that out of the way. Tonight is the start of the big weekend, so wish me luck. After my daughter's musical program tonight, it's straight home to get the house in order.  Everything is pretty much up for the Halloween party, but there are some last minute spider web's to put up, and some finishing touches in the garage to do.  Most of the night will be spent on food prep though.  I'll let everyone know how the party goes, but I thought I would share with everyone tomorrow evening's menu:
Witches Brew Punch
Bizarre Brain Patte
Fresh Flayed Flesh and Ectoplasm Crusts
Roasted Alien Fingers
Bat Wings
Booger Dip
Deviled Egg Eyeballs


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