Friday, October 12, 2012

It's Friday Night and I'm...Home

Let's get the football picks out of the quickly as I think the dogs will cover big time this week.

NCCAA Football:

ISU+6.5: I love Kansas state as much as the next guy but this game is in Ames and ISU has been within a td the last 4 years. Happy with a KSU blowout but I'll take ISU and the points.

South Carolina+2.5: any team that can do that to Georgia gets my vote. LSU has not been impressive. Again, take the points.

Alabama, Florida, Ohio State, West Virginia, and Oklahoma State: those are all decent size lines but should all cover. Take them all, hit at least 3, and go home happy.


NYG+6.5: I love San Francisco, but never count the Giants out. The line is just to big.

Indy+3.5: I think luck is the real deal and they look awfully good against green bay. Plus the jets just got done playing a heart breaker.

Minnesota+1.5: I'm not sure I buy Mindy, but I don't buy Washington, never had. If Minnesota is for real, they win this game.

Good luck everyone and remember to get that book.
Once again, I'm sitting here on a Friday night and it dawns on me how old I am. Not necessarily in age, I'm only 35, but in the game of life, I'm no spring chicken. Started drinking, partying, and having a real good time at a very young age, and now that I'm married with children, the old Al Bundy has set in. For me, I was never satisfied staying at home on a weekend night. Heck, I never sat at home on any night, let alone a Friday night. It's not even the kids or the wife that keep me at home anymore, it's my friends. Weak sauce guys. The wife and I always make time for each other, but I think more importantly for a strong marriage you have to make sure that you make time to stand out as individuals. Typically I get Tuesday nights to play cards or do whatever, and she gets Wednesday nights.  The weekends are always just kind of a toss up. The older I get though, the less there seems to be going on?

Is it because there is actually less going on where I live now then before? That can't be possible. There are more bars, bistro's, clubs, and dives then ever before. I think that not only have the burbs grabbed me, but it's grabbed all of my friends as well, and they have all decided to not fight the fight, but to simply give up? Where's the toughness? Where's the machismo? Where's the guys who would rather drop dead from exhaustion then to ever stay home? Most of the time I get one of two responses:  one, "I'm tired": two, "dude, there's nothing to do, so I think I'll just stay in". I literally had a conversation the other day that went like this:

Me: let's go out.

Lazy friend: I'd like to go out but what do you want to do?

Me: I don't care but let's do something different. Tired of sitting at a bar telling the same stories.

Lazy friend: so. . . .

Me: we could go see a band, we could go bowling, we could go eat, we could see a movie and eat, we could go to an art show, we could go to a thunder game, shocker game, wing nuts game, a gastropub, a play, hit golf balls. . . .

Lazy friend: that all sounds stupid, I'd go to "insert name of bar we always go to" or I can just stay home.

Me: aaaaaarrrrggghhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

My point tonight: take advantage of what you have around you. The town may be small but it's not dead. It's not new York city but there are things to do. Fun things to do. Different things to do. Go out and explore. Try new things. Eat at new places. Experiences what your city has to offer before you miss out on something. Don't get stuck at home on the weekends just because you don't want to try new things. Tomorrow, tomorrow a buddy of ours from college is in town and we're going out. get off work at 5:30, go work out and shower, meet the guys at 7pm at Twin peaks for some grub, beer's, and then watch the UFC fights. After the fights, who knows, maybe we'll find a rocket ship to Mars. At least we're out and about, and not at home on a Friday night. .  .like i am now. Hope she's having fun because I know I will. : )

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