Thursday, September 20, 2012

Blah. . . Read At Your Own Risk.

Free day huh?  Write whatever I want to write about? Easier said then done as far as I'm concerned. I wanted to write. I wanted to have a great idea that I could expand upon, but I think great ideas are far and few between.  I think I came up with a really good idea on Monday night, sometime between beer 12 and 15, maybe on the way to or the way back from Kirby's Beer Store, but I'm not really sure. Part of that night is kind of a blur.  If I did have a great idea, and I told you about it Monday night, please don't steal it from me.  Hopefully the idea will come back to me again here soon and I can roll with it then. In the mean time I'll try and do my best, because great ideas don't grow on trees.

I think the main difference between those of us stuck out in the burbs, and the movers and shakers of the world, is the ability to make the dream come to fruition. Dreams and ideas are pretty similar.  Goals, plans, and the success of those goals and plans, the culmination of the dream, is something totally different.  When I was in high school and throughout college, I used to teach leadership to high school students.  It was all about dreams, goals, team building, success visions, and a variety of other aspects involved in reaching for the stars. I taught at camps in Colorado and New York. I taught on colleges campus', and in high school classrooms. For a long, long time, I believed what I was teaching. I still do, it just seems much harder to attain then it did. The older you get, the tougher life gets.  Looking back, high school, college: easy stuff. The friends I made at those camps, some of my best friends in the world to this day.  The kids, maybe we didn't change any lives forever, but maybe we made a difference, maybe we helped out just a little bit. Those were special times though, and eventually you just start to move on. The plan must eventually start to take effect.

Graduate college. Get your first "grown up" job. Marry your high school sweetheart. Move to a big city. Get a dog.  Have your first child. Come back home to the family business. Have a second child. Check, check, check, check, check, check, check, and check. It's all going according to plan, but is the plan right? I joke about living in the burbs, and all the fun and games we have poking at "suburbanites", but in the end, I'm one of them. That's the whole point of the blog and the rant tonight. I live in suburbia with my wife, my two kids, and my mortgage. I love my wife. My kids, they drive me nuts every day, but I'd rather die before I ever let them get hurt in any way or ever let them down. Adults have to provide and protect, and as the man of the house, it's my job to make sure my family is ok at all times. But that's when the routine sets in, and once the routine sets in, well, that's when you start a blog to make fun of it. It's an outlet. A way to blow off steam. Today's just wasn't funny.

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