Saturday, September 8, 2012

So after spending most of my free time yesterday trying to integrate all of my different social media outlets, I've come to the conclusion that it just can't be done. Without hiring a tech geek to do it for me, for which i don't have the money or time to do, I'll just have to do it the old fashion way of cut and paste when i think i need it. The Google+ looks promising though, and I received quite a bit of feedback from some good friends on the first new blog post, so i think I'll give it a go for a while. Like i said before, i imagine the first set of blog posts might be nothing more then rants and raves on a variety of different topics, but after a while i think I'll probably fall into a nice groove. I still plan on this being a daily blog which will take some work and dedication, but in the end i think it will really pay off. I was already thinking of the following topic timeline, so let me know what you think:

Mondays: Food and Drink Since the weekend is the only time for us suburbanites to eat out, this would be a good day to recap what we ate, drank, like, and didn't like. I'm a foodie and a beer snob, and although my opinion on most things don't matter, i have a good nose and stomach for all things edible and drinkable. I like to share and maybe it can help some local businesses out.

Tuesdays: The World Around Me Tuesday is my day off from my "it pays the bills job" so that would be a good day to get deep. Politics, philosophy, the environment. Big issues. Big ideas. Big posts on Tuesdays.

Wednesdays: Entertainment and the Stars Movies, television, celebs, music, gossip, the stars.  These are the people we wish we all were and thought we'd be so what better day to daydream and talk about them then on hump day.  Its the day we all look out our windows at our jobs (assuming we have one, if not then the bathroom wall while doing 10:00am business) and wonder what if or why not me. I can act, i can sing, i could be Brad Pitt if i wanted to. Yeah right.

Thursdays: Free Day Kids have them, adults should have them, and i definitely need one. Whatever comes to mind, this might be the most free flowing of blogs i post each week.  Sometimes it will make sense, most days it won't, but every Thursday look for something new and different.

Fridays: Sports and More Sports This would be dedicated to sports topics in anticipation of the weekend. Suburban men like to bet; especially since we either can't physically play anymore or time constraint/wives/jobs prevent us from doing so. Because of that, Friday will be the day to talk sports, games that have happened and games coming up.  Specifically we will talk Wichita State, KU and KSU when needed, Chiefs, Royals, and Lakers.

Saturdays: Rants and Raves So you've had a long week, and you need to blow off some steam.  You see and interact with the world around you and sometimes you just don't get it. Prior to cooling off on Sunday, some days are needed to just get things off you chest. Saturday is rant and rave day at the Suburban Male

Sundays: Down Time Day This day's topic would always revolve around re-capping the weeks events, looking at how those events involve the Suburban male and how the Suburban male has dealt with the mysterious and wondrous world around him.

So i guess thats that. we'll officially get started on Monday, so look for changes to the wall and tweaks to the page between now and then but we're off. I hope to see you around.  Make comments when you can.  Let me know what its like to be you and we'll get through this road of life together. . . even if that road is a cul-de-sac in the middle of America.

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