Friday, September 7, 2012

wow its been over a year since my last blog post and nothing really has changed. still a father and husband. still raising two beautiful girls and still doing the land locked, suburban thing. its a repetitive cycle thats hard to get out of. It's the same thing over and over again, same events, same people, same outcomes. Summer is winding down which means i"ve already had my yearly fishing trip. Went to Vegs for a bachelor party. Had three fantasy football drafts, because thats what we do in the burbs, and am now waiting for regular season college and NFL football to get into full swing so i can donk away what little expendable income i have on worthless football bets, made to try and enhance the viewing excitment i get on my 3 hours off each week to watch football on Sundays. Yeah, not in a real good mood the last few days. The jobs the same. No ups or downs just a straight line to no where. I wrote a "Jerry McGuire" esque manifesto the other day on a road trp back while the wife was driving, but i'm not sure if i can hand it to the od man or not. Look, the job isn't tough, but its going nowhere and the longer i stay, the less interested i get in it. Like i've said before, i just thought there was so much more i could be be doing? now my spare time is speant reading books and making lists of what it is i really want to be when i grow up and i'm already 35? when does adult hood take place. Living in the burbs you get stuck in a rut and its impossible to get out of.


  1. I hear you Jason. I think we are at an age, where most of the life stabilizing goals have been met, and we long to have large goals to achieve again. College, marriage, kids, stable income, buying a home, etc., now what? Is the rest a process of coasting in place, or are there further goals to be achieved. The risks of taking a chance have become huge, so what do we do? I read somewhere that young man makes love, a middle aged man makes money, and an old make makes peace. Time to take some risks and make some money.

  2. if you know how to make some money let me know cause all i'm doing is losing it. it seems to be seeping directly out of my accounts. i'd love to take a chance on something, but i just can't find that "something". Maybe this blog will allow me to work through it and find it.
