Friday, September 21, 2012

Picks And A Party

So it's Friday and that usually means sports, except this weekend, where it's about everything but sports.  At some point, we'll really delve into the sports scene, but there's just too much going on this weekend.  From now until the end of the day on Sunday night, it's full on super dad time. I know everyone needs their sports picks for the weekend though, so let's get that out of the way, and then we'll move on to the important stuff.

College Football Picks:

Georgia Tech -14: sorry everyone but Miami is horrible and playing at GT, with the triple option will be two much for the Canes to handle.
Georgia -15: I like Georgia to win the SEC east and make a big run, and Vandy is in the same spot as Miami is in. Bad teams, who are worse on the road, don't do well and Vandy can't cover here.
Kansas State +15: Yeah i know they got waxed last year in Manhattan, but this is a new year and the KSU defense looks good.  OU is a great team, but haven't played anyone yet this year.  Take this game with caution, but still that's a lot of points. 
San Jose State +3: SJST is the road team here, but should be able to handle SDST. Might have a WTF in this situation.

NFL Games:

Tampa Bay +7: 7 is a lot of points in the NFL, and the Cowboys haven't impressed me.  Tampa Bay should be 2-0, but proceed with caution. 
San Fransisco -7: Until proven otherwise, they're the best team in the NFL and should be treated as such.
New Orleans -9: Opposite of SF, keep betting against KC until they prove they can cover.
Pittsburgh -4: Oakland is horrid. Nuff said.

The Weekend Game:

Big weekend plans. Big, big, weekend plans. I get off at 5:30 tonight, then it's off to the gym. Gotta work the arms for all the fawning super mom's on the block, and I  have to make sure I'm looking good for all the ladies coming over tomorrow. Also, I have to get the lawn mowed tonight and the house picked up.  Then it's back to work all day tomorrow before getting off at 5:30 again; then the fun starts.  After racing to the pizza shop tomorrow night to pick up food for 20, I have to get home and get cleaned up before the guests arrive.  By guests i mean up to 20 kids, ages 4-9, and mostly girls, who are coming over to our house for a birthday party.  My oldest daughter turned 8 yesterday which means we are officially into sleep over mode at the Jabara household. For all my buddies whose kids are coming, that means they get a free night with the spouse? Will they return the favor? Probably not. So the itinerary for the evening is as follows: pizza, cookie decorating, presents, cookie eating, popcorn and movie, crying, bed, more crying, and then hopefully we've gotten to the next morning. Things should be ok as long as the wife promises to hold my hand. I have 3 girls in the house on a regular basis, so what's another 10?
After all the kids are picked up, hopefully by 10:30, it's over to my brother's house for his son's birthday party at 11:30. Probably a few less people there, but still lot's of presents and hopefully more cake, cause my fat ass always needs cake. Then it's shuttling off the oldest to church classes at 1:00 and taking the youngest to get her "fish" because having just 1 fish in the house isn't fair. Pick the oldest up from church at 4:00 then home to get cleaned up for her birthday dinner with the grandparents at 6:00pm at Red Lobster. Yeah, I know the foods not great, but the kids seem to like it, and between the cheesy rolls and popcorn shrimp, they actually eat their food there.  It's her birthday and she'll get what she wants. Eat dinner, get home, relieve myself of dinner, then homework, baths, reading time, and finally bed. Like I said, no time for football this weekend, but that's ok. The kid only has 1 birthday a year, so might as well make it special each year. It's all worth it in the end.

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